Welcome to
In The Vine Ministries
Located at
1452 Dorchester Ave
Dorchester MA 02122
Morning Prayer Service
Tuesday Through Saturday
6:30am until the fire dies out
Rare Breed Prayer Line
Phone Line 717-908-1909
Access Code 9956202
Please Join our sister site for up and coming training's
available for your growth and walk with God.
I. T. V. M. C. Training Place
I thank everyone for being patient for the ministry to return back online and
check into here weekly for the changes to the upcoming schedule.
Apostle Orlena McQueen
Tuesday Through Saturday
6:30am until the fire dies out
Rare Breed Prayer Line
Phone Line 717-908-1909
Access Code 9956202
Please Join our sister site for up and coming training's
available for your growth and walk with God.
I. T. V. M. C. Training Place
I thank everyone for being patient for the ministry to return back online and
check into here weekly for the changes to the upcoming schedule.
Apostle Orlena McQueen